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Jesús, our principal, and the students of 3º de la ESO are carrying out a very special and useful project in many senses: a school vegetable garden.

Jesús, who studied agronomic engineering at the University of Murcia, has decided to mix two of his passions: plants and education, and it seems this project is a great tool to do so.

As previously mentioned, this activity is being extremely handy most of all due to the location our centre holds. The students will, therefore, learn how to grow some winter vegetables, when and how to water them and when they should be harvested.

In the same way, this project is directly connected with some of the units other teachers (P.E, Biology or English) are dealing with at the moment. Hence, this scholar vegetable garden is a wonderful means to implement crosscurricular topics and make our students be aware that education is not about pieces of information and learning from different subjects or fields, but about a whole field where all the imput they receive is connected somehow.

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